drspam: knight rider!
drspam: old technology
drspam: -|--,\
drspam: __.w/XX
drspam: "daddy is that man 30?" "shhh, honey, carousel is about to start."
drspam: >/^
drspam: there appears to be a faceoff in hot girl alley
drspam: yeah i had a bicycle once, but i figured i'd go green, you know?
drspam: the leftovers
drspam: the leftovers
drspam: you know what, i'm just gonna... i'm gonna go ahead and take one too just to be sure
drspam: awww yeahh where my customers at?
drspam: you guys there's another entrance and there's no line!
drspam: nah, you go ahead and ogle the priceless records of our species' existence, i've got these feet to play with
drspam: the world's most expensive windchimes
drspam: business was good. but when it came to late-night two-wheeled kitchen-beautification emporiums they were the only game in town, so business was always good.
drspam: the culture hole
drspam: my "holy shit look at the art!" face
drspam: some scenes from Spring
drspam: some scenes from Spring
drspam: some scenes from Spring
drspam: some scenes from Spring
drspam: let's close this place out
drspam: celebrity sighting
drspam: OH NO SHE SAW ME
drspam: play something for the rest of us
drspam: wide
drspam: narrow
drspam: let's do this
drspam: let's go home