l.n.d.s.y: Mirrors are unreliable
l.n.d.s.y: Minus the mouth
l.n.d.s.y: fermer les yeux
l.n.d.s.y: It's a self-portrait xmas!
l.n.d.s.y: Ms Cryptic
l.n.d.s.y: Obscure
l.n.d.s.y: Sight
l.n.d.s.y: A gift
l.n.d.s.y: The woman upstairs was crying
l.n.d.s.y: Identical
l.n.d.s.y: Linja!!! / Ridiculous Lindsey
l.n.d.s.y: hipster with a lip ring
l.n.d.s.y: Thelma
l.n.d.s.y: It's complicated
l.n.d.s.y: Sometimes I look up and it's two am and I have been adding layer upon layer to something for so many hours that I have begun to drool and can't trace back to where it started or what my last ten actions were so I just go to sleep instead
l.n.d.s.y: This is a lie
l.n.d.s.y: I'll have you know that I take myself VERY seriously.
l.n.d.s.y: La Vie en Strobes
l.n.d.s.y: I'm not really this sad
l.n.d.s.y: keeping secrets
l.n.d.s.y: Eskimo
l.n.d.s.y: post-nap hotel vanity shot in the US of A
l.n.d.s.y: Everyone takes this photo eventually
l.n.d.s.y: twenty one
l.n.d.s.y: jumbled
l.n.d.s.y: [Insert apologetic justification of my vanity here]
l.n.d.s.y: light
l.n.d.s.y: yeah, probably.
l.n.d.s.y: So, I was thinking...