DrBIack: thoughts about ICR
DrBIack: rephotoshoped
DrBIack: our captain
DrBIack: portret on kizhi island
DrBIack: meeting
DrBIack: meeting
DrBIack: test of helios 40
DrBIack: bright spring
DrBIack: russian helios 40 85 f1.5 night bokeh
DrBIack: talk
DrBIack: happiness
DrBIack: friends
DrBIack: friends
DrBIack: friends
DrBIack: clean hands
DrBIack: lathe
DrBIack: friends
DrBIack: EN D
DrBIack: night lights in country side
DrBIack: deinstallation of old bruker console
DrBIack: deinstallation of old bruker console
DrBIack: deinstallation of old bruker console
DrBIack: lifting/hoisting crane
DrBIack: treasure searching
DrBIack: new year 2009
DrBIack: rephotoshoped
DrBIack: rephotoshoped
DrBIack: frends
DrBIack: ...
DrBIack: portret