dotpolka: man and bird
dotpolka: hummingbird rescue
dotpolka: sleeve rat
dotpolka: i like it here
dotpolka: fan
dotpolka: psst! wanna buy some rat food?
dotpolka: the amazing flying rat
dotpolka: dishwasher
dotpolka: polka
dotpolka: happy new year
dotpolka: lucky candle
dotpolka: birthday morning
dotpolka: souvenir of monterey
dotpolka: friends I
dotpolka: what is this thing?
dotpolka: friends II
dotpolka: fat free
dotpolka: the obligatory mirror shot
dotpolka: egg
dotpolka: mr. moose and the loveducky
dotpolka: a conspiracy of spongebobs
dotpolka: octoman
dotpolka: octostare
dotpolka: european goodness
dotpolka: souvenirs of florida
dotpolka: things found while snorkeling