domesticat: Jaw-droppingly overpriced airport food
domesticat: Aboard to ... somewhere
domesticat: Rainbow disco plane lights
domesticat: Airplane food, Condor Airlines edition
domesticat: Squint
domesticat: It's döner kebab time
domesticat: Frankfurt Hauptbanhof
domesticat: Kebabs and backpacks
domesticat: Woollip in action
domesticat: Train signs at night
domesticat: Escalators, Berlin Hbf
domesticat: Example, train
domesticat: Noah and Amy, U-Bahn reflection
domesticat: CBD is everywhere it seems
domesticat: Signage, Friedrichstraße U-bahn
domesticat: Signage, Potsdamer Platz
domesticat: 2020-03-16_05-55-31
domesticat: Happy third anniversary.
domesticat: IMG_20200314_110412
domesticat: IMG_20200314_142133
domesticat: IMG_20200314_153852
domesticat: 2020-03-16_05-55-22
domesticat: IMG_20200314_184929
domesticat: IMG_20200314_212013
domesticat: IMG_20200314_215720
domesticat: Heathrow international terminal, empty
domesticat: We made it. WE MADE IT. We're going home.
domesticat: IMG_20200317_164840
domesticat: American soil, holy shit we made it