domesticat: Where's the line?
domesticat: IMG_20161029_080926
domesticat: IMG_20161029_073708
domesticat: IMG_20161029_073629
domesticat: IMG_20161029_073210
domesticat: Amy and Noah, Peace Hotel
domesticat: Stranger Things, Stranger Cities
domesticat: VID_20161029_103942
domesticat: IMAG0233
domesticat: IMAG0232
domesticat: IMAG0231
domesticat: IMAG0230
domesticat: IMAG0229
domesticat: IMAG0228
domesticat: IMAG0227
domesticat: IMAG0226
domesticat: IMAG0225
domesticat: IMAG0224
domesticat: IMAG0223
domesticat: IMAG0222
domesticat: IMAG0221
domesticat: IMAG0220
domesticat: IMAG0219
domesticat: IMAG0218
domesticat: What movie, we wondered
domesticat: Cheap eats, happily served
domesticat: IMAG0206
domesticat: Shame crab sees what you did.
domesticat: IMG_20161026_130344
domesticat: Fry dumplings in progress