domesticat: Too tall for this ride
domesticat: Second dinner: Sichuan noodles
domesticat: Victory noodles, rainy night
domesticat: Today's date
domesticat: IMAG0143
domesticat: IMAG0142
domesticat: Hi, Darie!
domesticat: IMAG0140
domesticat: Watchtower graffiti fabric
domesticat: IMAG0139
domesticat: IMAG0138
domesticat: IMAG0137
domesticat: IMAG0136
domesticat: Proof of birthday life
domesticat: Safely on the H53 bus
domesticat: Welcome to the Wall
domesticat: 916 express bus to Huairou, for the Wall
domesticat: DSC_6702
domesticat: DSC_6698
domesticat: DSC_6697
domesticat: DSC_6696
domesticat: DSC_6695
domesticat: DSC_6694
domesticat: DSC_6692
domesticat: DSC_6690
domesticat: DSC_6689
domesticat: DSC_6687
domesticat: DSC_6686
domesticat: DSC_6685
domesticat: DSC_6682