domesticat: Feline supervision.
domesticat: Pizza, cat-cuddling, and Galaxy Quest in honor of #alanrickman.
domesticat: 3/4 #cats now eat happily together. I get why people have trouble telling them apart. (Top to bottom: Beryl, Toph, Frankenstein. Not pictured: giant derpy orange tabby.)
domesticat: Elder quilt statescat (1 of 2)
domesticat: Elder quilt statescat (2 of 2)
domesticat: Tuxie moment of Zen.
domesticat: Frankenstein disagrees with your life choices.
domesticat: Buddies.
domesticat: IMG_20160306_114040
domesticat: IMG_20151227_164420
domesticat: IMG_20151227_164429
domesticat: IMG_20151227_202909
domesticat: IMG_20160215_120040
domesticat: The persistence of tuxie.
domesticat: IMG_20160207_150127
domesticat: IMG_20160207_152203
domesticat: Only Frankenstein can look so displeased at getting exactly what she wanted
domesticat: Still life with tuxie.
domesticat: I tried to read. Help arrived.
domesticat: Frankenstein disapproves of everything
domesticat: Tuxie, received
domesticat: ...moochcat
domesticat: One paw on the ground
domesticat: Old Farts Club, a feline still life
domesticat: Frankie Two Fangs, final days
domesticat: Frankenstein's memorial
domesticat: House panthers, one last time.
domesticat: Frankenstein, final days, couch
domesticat: This is Frank, short for Frankenstein, who moved in yesterday. She is Noah's 17-year-old kitty. She shows definite Quilt Cat potential.
domesticat: Noah has reached peak cat