jazz&catlover: Oxen and cart
jazz&catlover: Oxen trudging past a haystack
jazz&catlover: What a pig!
jazz&catlover: Muddy pig
jazz&catlover: Wallowing
jazz&catlover: Old farm scene
jazz&catlover: Ox handler with oxen
jazz&catlover: Too fat to walk
jazz&catlover: Chickens on the doorstep
jazz&catlover: Cluck cluck cluck
jazz&catlover: Walking the horses back to their corral
jazz&catlover: Lame horse
jazz&catlover: Happy horse
jazz&catlover: Here's the sheep
jazz&catlover: Petting farm
jazz&catlover: Hello ducky
jazz&catlover: Horse and shadow
jazz&catlover: Feeding time
jazz&catlover: Friendly horse
jazz&catlover: Looking at me
jazz&catlover: Two horses
jazz&catlover: Out in the sun
jazz&catlover: Where's Little Bo Peep?
jazz&catlover: Sheep in the pasture
jazz&catlover: He's interested in me
jazz&catlover: Long-tailed sheep