discokev: Tim snaps a photo of me rolling by.
discokev: Tony in the crowd.
discokev: What an awesome dude in the foreground.
discokev: Gettin' down at the parade.
discokev: Dave says hello.
discokev: Still more joyous parade attendees.
discokev: Someone taking my picture as I take his.
discokev: Joyous parade attendees.
discokev: Parade attendees.
discokev: Philene discovers the best way to distribute beads.
discokev: Work that parade route like it's a catwalk!
discokev: View of the crowd.
discokev: I laugh every time I look at this picture.
discokev: Kev and Sailor Jack!
discokev: Kandy, Kev, and Philene, pre-parade.