Dezio one: China train
Dezio one: China train
Dezio one: My wall - Dezio
Dezio one: Throwie sticker
Dezio one: Halloween piece
Dezio one: Bike ride
Dezio one: Yellow ink on blue
Dezio one: Yellow ink on blue
Dezio one: Yellow ink on blue
Dezio one: Rocking big brushes ... Last day in Hongkong had to drop a quick piece.
Dezio one: Newest piece. Starting to play with the idea of different size brushes for color notes.
Dezio one: 3 stripes ... with a all star dezio throwie
Dezio one: Putting paint strokes in a forgotten alley.
Dezio one: Putting paint strokes in a forgotten alley.
Dezio one: Another little brushstroke piece from a couple weeks.
Dezio one: Sunday turned out to be a sunny hot day so grabbed some cans and rocked this piece. Quite happy with the outcome, pushing more colors
Dezio one: Sunday turned out to be a sunny hot day so grabbed some cans and rocked this piece. Quite happy with the outcome, pushing more colors
Dezio one: Last piece before Chinese New Year. Got off early from work and as I saw that my previous one on this wall got damaged I decided to come back and reclaim my spot.
Dezio one: Last piece before Chinese New Year. Got off early from work and as I saw that my previous one on this wall got damaged I decided to come back and reclaim my spot.
Dezio one: 2 more brush style pieces that I made recently here in shanghai. I recently came up with this style by mixing what I was doing with paintbrush along with working with a Chinese calligraphy brush. More on my Instagram at dezioone
Dezio one: 2 more brush style pieces that I made recently here in shanghai. I recently came up with this style by mixing what I was doing with paintbrush along with working with a Chinese calligraphy brush. More on my Instagram at dezioone
Dezio one: First post in 3 years ... gonna try and get myself active again on this platform. Over the past year I’ve been prioritizing my Instagram account but more and more thinking about reviving myself here so get ready to see a lot more of my paintings coming.
Dezio one: Desio
Dezio one: Evel Aizer Skore Desio Fluke Pers
Dezio one: Desio Closeup
Dezio one: Skore Desio
Dezio one: Hip Hop Jam
Dezio one: Dezio
Dezio one: Sitoze RIP
Dezio one: Dezio