delboy74: Jason at the top of the Shard during one of our visits to London in May 2013.
delboy74: Happy Birthday to you!
delboy74: One his pyjamas are on, Marc is going to sleep. It doesn't matter where he is.
delboy74: Molly trying hard not to pose for the camera. She is thirteen weeks and three days old here.
delboy74: Henry with two paws missing and what looks like only one eye. He really has all four paws and both eyes. He just like to look like a tough guy. Like his sister Molly, he is thirteen weeks and three days old in this shot.
delboy74: Jason hard at work
delboy74: Stop and turn around
delboy74: chandelier
delboy74: Betty on the deck
delboy74: Betty
delboy74: Karen and Jason
delboy74: Karen and Jason
delboy74: Natural History Museum
delboy74: The Restaurant at the Natural History Museum
delboy74: Jason on the train
delboy74: Jason
delboy74: Marty on the clothes line
delboy74: Shadow of my former self...or something
delboy74: Back garden mountain range
delboy74: Reflections
delboy74: Beatnik rock
delboy74: Jackie Stewart's Car at the Museum of Scotland
delboy74: Stewart Racing Car at Museum of Scotland
delboy74: Stewart Racing Car at Museum of Scotland
delboy74: St. Andrew at the Museum of Scotland
delboy74: St. Andrew at the Museum of Scotland
delboy74: Mary Queen of Scots Tomb at Museum of Scotland