le dieu: full house
le dieu: photo fractals
le dieu: like ben's?
le dieu: etech kicks off
le dieu: bruce and tim
le dieu: the brits are in the house
le dieu: the english preparatory huddle
le dieu: mr biddulph looking very happy
le dieu: ben and chris
le dieu: bruce stirling
le dieu: gnat
le dieu: sugary goodness..what were they thinking!
le dieu: the gang
le dieu: peter came prepared
le dieu: conversational tennis
le dieu: rich trying to find some peace
le dieu: robert kaye is a bass apparently
le dieu: robert is a bass
le dieu: people make stuff in second life...lotsa stuff
le dieu: standing room only
le dieu: playshing
le dieu: eff stand at etech
le dieu: recruiting in the ladies toilets
le dieu: danah in action
le dieu: the etech crew at dinner
le dieu: danah!
le dieu: evil parallel universe
le dieu: animal crossing