debstromquist: Teresa & Donna walking to the other buildings
debstromquist: Walking up to the KCC shop
debstromquist: Approaching the other gift shops
debstromquist: I loved the vibrant pink of these flowers
debstromquist: I wonder what kind they are?
debstromquist: More pretty flowers
debstromquist: This flowering bush was massive
debstromquist: A little pond on the premises
debstromquist: I think this one had goldfish in it
debstromquist: Yep, there's one
debstromquist: It also has frogs in it
debstromquist: Some of Teresa's pottery
debstromquist: Some more of her pottery
debstromquist: Some funny plaques in the shop
debstromquist: This was a good one
debstromquist: This bush has some pretty purple-pink flowers
debstromquist: Poster for Teresa's pottery next to her work station