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Mr. Baggins by Debbie G
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Debbie G
Debbie G
Debbie G
Debbie G
Debbie G
Debbie G
Baggins jumping
Debbie G
Debbie G
Setting Out for Home
Debbie G
In our first motel room - Billings Montana
Debbie G
Baggins gets the ball
Debbie G
At a rest stop - Wyoming/Montana
Debbie G
Baggins on the front seat
Debbie G
Baggins discovers the Columbia
Debbie G
In Port Angeles: almost home!
Debbie G
Waiting for the ferry
Debbie G
Baggins smelling the flowers
Debbie G
Baggins Again
Debbie G
Baggins in the Garden
Debbie G
After "Gardening"
Debbie G
Baggins After His Bath
Debbie G
Portrait of Baggins
Debbie G
Another, Even Better, Portrait of Baggins
Debbie G
Baggins enjoys the garden
Debbie G
Today's Adorableness
Debbie G
Mr. Baggins: nearly 10 weeks old
Debbie G
Which One is the Stuffed Toy?
Debbie G
Have Stick: Is Happy
Debbie G
Debbie G
Baggins with Ball
Debbie G
Mr Baggins: 12 weeks old!
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