DC Shorts Film Festival: Jon Gann talks to crowd while Joe Flood takes photo
DC Shorts Film Festival: Lining up to fill swag bags
DC Shorts Film Festival: The winner of rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: Volunteer managers are introduced
DC Shorts Film Festival: standing room only
DC Shorts Film Festival: Volunteers gathered on the steps of E St Cinema
DC Shorts Film Festival: Jon Gann addresses volunteers at orientation
DC Shorts Film Festival: DC Shorts Festival Director Jon Gann
DC Shorts Film Festival: Lining up - fun with filling VIP gift bags
DC Shorts Film Festival: Jon Gann addresses the crowd
DC Shorts Film Festival: Jon Gann takes questions from volunteers
DC Shorts Film Festival: playing rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: runner-up of rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: the final showdown of rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: the winner of rock-paper-scissors
DC Shorts Film Festival: Jon Gann fills a swag bag
DC Shorts Film Festival: the assembly line
DC Shorts Film Festival: volunteers line up to fill swag bags
DC Shorts Film Festival: a volunteer holds swag bags for filmmakers
DC Shorts Film Festival: volunteers ready to collect ballots
DC Shorts Film Festival: Regie models a DC Shorts t-shirt
DC Shorts Film Festival: Charlie and Austin ready to check-in filmmakers