Wayan Vota: I've run over 2,000 miles in 2 years. Wow! http://bit.ly/RmjPzr
Wayan Vota: Merry Xmas George! What a $1 bill should look like
Wayan Vota: AT&T 2GB Data Plan Max Reached Yet Again
Wayan Vota: And here is my great grandfather Giuseppe Vota's passport application - in 1924!
Wayan Vota: Check out the 1920 United States Federal Census with Jose Rodriguez Vota and his siblings - but no Giuseppe
Wayan Vota: Hanalei Learning via Montessori method
Wayan Vota: I am jealous of Hanalei's pre-K hand painting fun
Wayan Vota: Inaugural OpenGov Hub Foosball Tournament
Wayan Vota: Riccardo De Marchi Trevisan is so Euro!
Wayan Vota: Rings Leighton Design knows how to make me happy
Wayan Vota: Official Tourism stats vs. Mobile Phone Locations
Wayan Vota: BigData vs "Official Statistics" in Google Search
Wayan Vota: It's #BigStats at World Bank
Wayan Vota: Social Media Brownbag at OpenGov Hub
Wayan Vota: I'm so glad calories don't count at Christmas parties
Wayan Vota: OMG! The post office on Penn & 17th has 3 cashiers working. Woohoo! That means only 1 hour wait.
Wayan Vota: My Petworth Neighbours take Xmas Lights Seriously
Wayan Vota: Accounting final starts - wish me luck!
Wayan Vota: A sobering thought for every parent from Todd Robinson
Wayan Vota: I wanted to put these numbers into perspective: Since 2001 al Qaeda was responsible for 3,625 American deaths, yet firearms were responsible for 126,432 Americans deaths. Stunning eh? Isn't it time we talked about gun control like we talk about terrorism?
Wayan Vota: Joe Chin wins the "most 12's" award
Wayan Vota: Look ma, I'm on the front page of The Guardian newspaper for Fail Faire! http://bit.ly/RJo35e
Wayan Vota: "Go green, go hard, or go home"
Wayan Vota: For all you following my Internet connectivity issues at work - check out this speed test. That's more like it! The solution: they turned on a dedicated 5Ghz network which MacBooks connect to autmagically.
Wayan Vota: Ya gotta feel sorry for the guy on the giant screen behind the World Bank president. Better look professional for the whole event!
Wayan Vota: Learning from Failure at World Bank
Wayan Vota: Getting started to Learn from Failure at the World Bank
Wayan Vota: Why wireless internet sucks in my office: 70+ networks fighting in the same bandwidth spectrum
Wayan Vota: This is going to be a long, hard-drinking afternoon filled with declarations of frustration
Wayan Vota: My mad sprint across the Turkey Trot 5 Mile finish line today