dbwalker: Remember these?
dbwalker: Watching Aki kick some ass! What a treat!
dbwalker: ... Can't forget to post this ...
dbwalker: I may think about guitar way too much for a normal human
dbwalker: Lego my weekend
dbwalker: I can wait
dbwalker: Dodge
dbwalker: Swans
dbwalker: Posted, it's the law
dbwalker: Bleacher babes
dbwalker: In the bleachers
dbwalker: Jamming at the mountain house
dbwalker: Zoe's first solo ride
dbwalker: Freshly mowed sideburns, ready for my gig at Sam's chowder House in half Moon Bay, 1 to 4
dbwalker: NIN shoreline
dbwalker: Birthday girl, and her doll
dbwalker: upload
dbwalker: Distance makes the heart grow fonder
dbwalker: Camping at moms
dbwalker: Mmmmmm, I can play this piano!
dbwalker: Pescadero Art and fun festival T-shirt from 2001
dbwalker: Ears burning !!!
dbwalker: What does mean?????
dbwalker: Slave to the light
dbwalker: At the piano bar
dbwalker: Flower power
dbwalker: Fork n knife
dbwalker: Mmmmmm guitar
dbwalker: Music!
dbwalker: Harcourt Fenton Mudd!