day-at-the-beach: Yellowleg Strut
day-at-the-beach: American Oystercatcher
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Egret and Reflection
day-at-the-beach: Radar is stunning
day-at-the-beach: Green Heron marsh walking 2
day-at-the-beach: Laughing Gull Ritual
day-at-the-beach: Tri-colored Heron Stalking
day-at-the-beach: Snowy Egret with Catch
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron
day-at-the-beach: Killdeer Strut
day-at-the-beach: Mute Swan
day-at-the-beach: Osprey Dive Preparation
day-at-the-beach: Bonaparte's Gull Floating
day-at-the-beach: Shorebird Flight
day-at-the-beach: Royal Tern Profile
day-at-the-beach: White Ibis in Flight
day-at-the-beach: Semipalmated Plover
day-at-the-beach: Great Blue Heron with Shrimp
day-at-the-beach: Pelican Duo
day-at-the-beach: Clapper Rail
day-at-the-beach: Osprey with fish
day-at-the-beach: Pelican resting in the creek
day-at-the-beach: American Oystercatcher bathing
day-at-the-beach: Sanderling
day-at-the-beach: Little Blue Heron
day-at-the-beach: White Ibis Reflected
day-at-the-beach: Ring-billed Narcissus
day-at-the-beach: Knee Deep
day-at-the-beach: Pelican profile