davidspirakes: sitting on the dock
davidspirakes: rachel+chris
davidspirakes: droplets
davidspirakes: the stars at night...
davidspirakes: the window
davidspirakes: sound check at Middleton Place
davidspirakes: build a tower to the heavens
davidspirakes: church HDR
davidspirakes: iPhone Pano
davidspirakes: [amerika]
davidspirakes: [Night] (yes, that's the moon)
davidspirakes: the wind will blow, the sun will rise, the tides will turn
davidspirakes: stronghold
davidspirakes: you have to protect your nuts
davidspirakes: "I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may - light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful."
davidspirakes: silhouette
davidspirakes: the village
davidspirakes: pinhole02
davidspirakes: Exhaust-ed
davidspirakes: you are getting sleepy
davidspirakes: junction blvd station
davidspirakes: IMG_0817
davidspirakes: county hall [london, uk]
davidspirakes: IMG_0789
davidspirakes: dry brush in central park
davidspirakes: IMG_0115