David Milley: The Sweetie Pie Experience
David Milley: Tuffy and Smokes in Repose
David Milley: The Triplets
David Milley: Tuffy Prepares to Pounce
David Milley: Buddy Cat
David Milley: Giving and Getting Pets
David Milley: Basketful of Buddy
David Milley: Oh My, What Has Happened to My Bed?
David Milley: Smokes
David Milley: Baby Tuffy
David Milley: Sweetiepie's Baleful Mein
David Milley: Warren and Sweetiepie
David Milley: Mommy Cat Stalking on the Back Porch Rail
David Milley: A Seat at the Buffet
David Milley: Warren and Sweetie Pie
David Milley: Sweetie Pie on the Bench