David Milley:
Duplex cottage, Batsto Village
David Milley:
Saw blades, Batsto Village, NJ
David Milley:
Sawmill, Batsto Village, NJ
David Milley:
English Ivy
David Milley:
Abandoned Chicken Coop, Batsto Village, View 2
David Milley:
Abandoned Chicken Coop, Batsto Village, View 1
David Milley:
The Mansion at Batsto
David Milley:
Outhouse Behind the Old Nature Center House
David Milley:
Batsto Lake
David Milley:
The Batsto Sawmill
David Milley:
Saw Blade
David Milley:
Warren, Grinning in the Dark
David Milley:
Outhouse, End of Street
David Milley:
Back of the Old Nature Center House
David Milley:
Knapweed by the Lake, Gone to Seed
David Milley:
Sawmill at Batsto
David Milley:
Purple Martin House
David Milley:
Wisteria around Swamp Maple
David Milley:
Piggery and Water Tower at Batsto
David Milley:
Window in the Sawmill
David Milley:
David Milley:
Range Barn at Batsto
David Milley:
Mansion Behind Milk House
David Milley:
Seed Before Stump
David Milley:
Batsto Lake
David Milley:
Rotted Stump
David Milley:
Logs in the Batsto Saw Mill
David Milley:
House on Batsto Side Street
David Milley:
Corn Crib
David Milley:
Artesian Well Beside the Nature Center