Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The monument from a wide angle,"
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "People freezed on the Millennium Bridge (Black 'n White version)."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The sun is rising."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "Angoli di Torino: ieri e oggi."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The power of eyes contact."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: Nuova copertina Facebook! °°° New Facebook cover!
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "Stand on the right."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The reason why you're The one."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The age of loving."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "The Beauty and the Beast."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "This is the world we would."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: Turin's urban skyline.
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "It's summertime."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "A lovely child with curly hair."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "Look into my eyes."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: Basilica di Superga - Sky
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "Urban exploration."
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: "A volte essere un fratello è ancora meglio che essere un supereroe." ~ Marc Brown #HappyBDay
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: 25 Anniversary - "Kiss"
Dario Gazzitano - Photography: Photograph into a photograph.