daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Jiki Shin Kore Dojo (Willing Heart Is the Dojo - El corazón dispuesto es el Dojo)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Dai Do Mu Mon (Great Path No Gate - El gran Camino sin Puerta)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Kai Da Ko (Realese Beat drum - Dejarse llevar por el ritmo del Tambor)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Wa (Harmony -Armonía. Kei - Respect - Respeto- Sei- Purity- Pureza) Gyosho
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Mu (in Japanese) Wu ( in Chinese)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Nichi Nichi Kore Ko Jitsu (Every Day Is a Good Day - Cada día es un buen día)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Ho Ken Ari Shu Ri (Theasure Sword in My Hand - La Espada del Tesoro en mi mano)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Nichi Nichi Kore Ko Jitsu (Every Day Is a Good Day - Cada día es un buen día)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Kumo Sari Seizan Arawareru (Cloud Passes Blue Mountain Appears- Las nubes pasan, aparecen las montañas azules
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Uchi Ni Mukai Soto Ni Mukai Au Mono O Subete Korosu
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Jiki Shin Kore Dojo (Willing Heart Is the Dojo - El corazón dispuesto es el Dojo)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Nichi Nichi Kore Ko Jitsu (Every Day Is a Good Day- Cada dia es un buen día)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Mu Kan Shon (No Hot Cold- Ni frio ni calor)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Mu Kan Shon (No Hot Cold- Ni frio ni calor)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Fu Metsu (Immortal or Indestructible)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Zai Gan Zen (Front of Your Eyes -Frente a tus ojos)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Zuisho Nushi To Naru (Wherever, Become Your Own Master- Donde sea, conviertete en tu propio Maestro.
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Zai Gan Zen (Front of Your Eyes -Frente a tus ojos) Gyosho style
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Ki Oshiru Wa Kami (Know Timing is God - Sepa que el tiempo es Dios)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Sha Za Ki Ssa (Have seat Drink Tea - Toma asiento, bebe té)
daniel barton. "When you look at those empty stre: Sen Shin (Purify the soul -Purificacion del corazon)