Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Wind Farm - Margam, South Wales
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: The boy in the red hat!!
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: This is the view from a proposed Wind Turbine site in Cimla (Neath and Port Talbot)
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Red Deer. Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Proud Red Deer. Bushy Park, 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Coot. Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Mallard. Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Swan and Two Ducks. Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Young Coot. Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Malmsbury Abbey Gardens. Apr 06
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Mallard at Bushy Park 10.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Wait for us Dafydd!!!! Sept 06
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: "No! I still think the water is too cold today"
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Horse Chestnut Fruit at Bushy Park 23.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Egyptian Goose At Bushy Park 23.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: I have shivers all down my back!!! - Egyptian Geese at Bushy Park 23.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Mallard - Bushy Park 23.6.07
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Tranqulity - Richings Park open gardens 8.6.08
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Richings Park open gardens 8.6.08
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Waterfall - Richings Park Open Gardens 2008
Dafydd and Sarahs Photographs: Water - Richings Park 2008