dabhid07: Starbucks
dabhid07: Precision tobogganing
dabhid07: Rope climber
dabhid07: Chess board
dabhid07: Clara and Sinter Klaas
dabhid07: Clara and Santa Claus
dabhid07: The great man at work. (Mike Holmes at High Park Castle)
dabhid07: Bike ride to @OntScienceCtr with @Miz_Clara + 3 hours at science centre + bike ride home = celebratory G&T.
dabhid07: Hat butterfly.
dabhid07: Last-minute briefing before the class trip to the zoo.
dabhid07: No.
dabhid07: The votes are in.
dabhid07: Heading back to the school after a fun trip to the park.
dabhid07: Splashing. (@ David Crombie park)
dabhid07: What does it mean?! #doublerainbow #dlws
dabhid07: Jubilee coffee.
dabhid07: Cat Holding Two Blue Balloons. (c) 2012 @Miz_Clara
dabhid07: Jubilee fireworks.
dabhid07: MizC and her friend MizM are playing hide and seek. We're taking bets on which network's camera they smash first.
dabhid07: Waiting for Charles.
dabhid07: Canadian Pacific proxy fight: incumbent board wins 6-4.
dabhid07: Bemused.
dabhid07: Flowers for Mama.
dabhid07: 'Tis the season.
dabhid07: Trip to the airport + visit with Nana and Granddad = one tired little teddy bear.
dabhid07: Shivery Sakura.
dabhid07: MizC re-hid all her Easter eggs for the monkeys to find.
dabhid07: Who ya gonna call?
dabhid07: St Clair Manners Disaster.
dabhid07: Following the leader.