NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl, Alberta Canada
NRTGguy: Cheetah post rabbit kill, Serengeti National Park Tanzania
NRTGguy: Flamingo dances in early morning fog, Ngorongoro Crater Tanzania
NRTGguy: Brothers in arms, Ndutu Conservation Area, Tanzania
NRTGguy: Leopard, Ndutu Conservation Area, Tanzania
NRTGguy: Lion cub, Ndutu Conservation area, Tanzania Africa
NRTGguy: Mom and babe with oxpeckers, Arusha National Park, Tanzania
NRTGguy: Cape Buffalo, Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
NRTGguy: Hyena on the prowl, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
NRTGguy: King of the pride in last light, Serengeti National Park Tanzania
NRTGguy: Vulture scavenging on a Wildabeest carcass, part 2
NRTGguy: Vulture scavenging a Wildabeest carcass, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.
NRTGguy: Male Lion, Ndutu Conservation Area, Tanzania.
NRTGguy: The Warrior, Ndutu Conservation area, Tanzania Africa.
NRTGguy: Natural Bridge, Yoho National Park, British Columbia
NRTGguy: Tug boat on a foggy morning.
NRTGguy: Great Blue Heron, Vancouver Island, B.C.
NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl on the hunt....
NRTGguy: A successful hunt for this Great Gray Owl.
NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl launching towards prey, British Columbia.
NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl scanning a field for its next meal.
NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl surveying for his next meal.
NRTGguy: Great Gray Owl hunting in a snowstorm.
NRTGguy: Early morning hunt…
NRTGguy: A fire orange sunrise on the west coast.
NRTGguy: The sheer beauty of a Sandhill Crane.
NRTGguy: Juvenile Great Horned Owl basking in the sunshine.
NRTGguy: Great Blue Heron chomping on a sculpin.
NRTGguy: Winter morning in Ucluelet, B.C.
NRTGguy: The magical Palouse county, Washington State.