cuttlefish: call and response
cuttlefish: vol de nuit
cuttlefish: southpaw
cuttlefish: burninating the lushes
cuttlefish: abduct a hipster
cuttlefish: gary's loft
cuttlefish: a bird, a plane,
cuttlefish: the zablozki's loo
cuttlefish: the unknown chandelier
cuttlefish: fix / sound fix
cuttlefish: WC door, tate modern
cuttlefish: daly says
cuttlefish: freud london
cuttlefish: matilda loo 2
cuttlefish: matilda loo 1
cuttlefish: ODB died for your sins
cuttlefish: morality play
cuttlefish: restroom sink
cuttlefish: restroom octopus the first
cuttlefish: restroom octopus the second
cuttlefish: you know you're old when
cuttlefish: infinite lau, bar centro
cuttlefish: mick at the parker
cuttlefish: the requisite self portrait
cuttlefish: angry towel dispenser, dieu du ciel
cuttlefish: bowie bathroom (1 of 2)
cuttlefish: upstairs restroom, guggenheim, during the mgmt show
cuttlefish: for esb, I