Lars Plougmann:
Thomas and Stowe - DSCN3977
Lars Plougmann:
Take back the web - DSCN3979
Lars Plougmann:
Matt Webb testing his proprioception - DSCN3980
Lars Plougmann:
Laptops, lunch and learning
Lars Plougmann:
The cool guys from Spreadshirt - DSCN3987
Lars Plougmann:
Reboot 8 garden break
Lars Plougmann:
Introducing JP - DSCN3988
Lars Plougmann:
JP Rangaswami: Let's fix the world - DSCN3991
Lars Plougmann:
Identity, flaunted
Lars Plougmann:
Reboot conference dinner - DSCN4003
Lars Plougmann:
Kedelhallen: south view from the inside - DSCN4004
Lars Plougmann:
... and the renaissance looks back at you - DSCN4009
Lars Plougmann:
Ben Hammersley's advice - DSCN4013
Lars Plougmann:
Enjoying the sun at the Reboot conference
Lars Plougmann:
Stowe Boyd: Social architecture *is* the future of markets - DSCN4018
Lars Plougmann:
Stowe and Thomas, shadow and light
Lars Plougmann:
Søren Mørk and chimneys
Lars Plougmann:
Lunch outside, clouds inside
Lars Plougmann:
Chimney-induced eclipse - DSCN4026
Lars Plougmann:
Relax 8.0 - DSCN4028
Lars Plougmann:
Power at the Reboot conference - DSCN4029
Lars Plougmann:
Lee Bryant: Participation - DSCN4031
Lars Plougmann:
Joshua with musical friends
Lars Plougmann:
Ass picnic kurve minus 50%
Lars Plougmann:
'There is no spoon' was an understatement - DSCN4037
Lars Plougmann:
Cute shop: Stilleben - DSCN4039
Lars Plougmann:
Don't walk on the green glass - DSCN4040
Lars Plougmann:
Lars Plougmann:
Colours from Tibet in a Copenhagen courtyard - DSCN4043
Lars Plougmann:
Bright nights, and the moon, over Copenhagen