Dia's Days: Mas fresas
Dia's Days: Beautiful Blue!
Dia's Days: Peachy lemony rose.
Dia's Days: A dinner bouquet.
Dia's Days: Growing
Dia's Days: Bolt!
Dia's Days: Today's Harvest
Dia's Days: I'm trying fish emulsion this year!!!
Dia's Days: Yay! She bloomed!
Dia's Days: Strange fruit. This one looks like a bowling pin.
Dia's Days: The radishes made me do this. :) yum!
Dia's Days: These yellow iris are such a pretty pairing with the purple iris.
Dia's Days: Every year I like the common purple iris even more.
Dia's Days: One for each of us.
Dia's Days: I like white flowers. I like daisies of all kinds.
Dia's Days: Blue is also a favorite!
Dia's Days: Orange is one of my favorite colors in the garden. These are helianthemum.
Dia's Days: Finally some blooms! I luv poppies!
Dia's Days: Lettuce: gourmet spicy blend
Dia's Days: Mmmore radishes!
Dia's Days: Yumminess for dinner from the garden!
Dia's Days: I was walking to check the progress in my garden when I came across these hands!!! Freaked me out!!!
Dia's Days: Getting close to sweetness!
Dia's Days: Plants in-training.
Dia's Days: Giving these a second try. I think I started them too late last year. Has anyone grown these Spanish Flags?
Dia's Days: Hey, lemon tree! Welcome to spring!!!
Dia's Days: My itty bitty tomato plants finally transplanted into bigger pots!
Dia's Days: Watch out unwanted, invasive grass…I have a new shovel!!!
Dia's Days: Unwanted Grass!
Dia's Days: It's finally garden clean-up time!