Snuva: Risdon Brook Dam
Snuva: SG-3 takes the 'boy' route (and bleeds for the rest of the day)
Snuva: SG-3 takes the 'boy' route (and bleeds for the rest of the day)
Snuva: We didn't make friends :-(
Snuva: You can't tell how uphill it was here. It WAS!
Snuva: Crazed Seagul or Karate Kid?
Snuva: Grass Tree
Snuva: Cliffs: SG-3 and I could have taken them!
Snuva: Now I know why it's 'Grasstree Hill'!
Snuva: The Cliffs of Insanity!
Snuva: SamCarter - within 100m of GZ! (But still a ways to go. . .)
Snuva: SamCarter on top of a big rock
Snuva: Cliffs
Snuva: Looking down
Snuva: It's just all so photogenic!
Snuva: Looking down - lots of caves in the area
Snuva: Looking down
Snuva: Geocacher who took an even more interesting route?
Snuva: We were up there
Snuva: Cliffs
Snuva: Foxgloves near GZ
Snuva: Civilisation barely glimpsed
Snuva: Bear in There?
Snuva: Wombat Palace? Maybe a bit too big!
Snuva: Native Cherry
Snuva: The 'Narrow' Track We Missed Seeing
Snuva: OUR Way to 'School of Rock'