cptesco: Neil Finley
cptesco: Listening to Ronny tell stories about us
cptesco: DSC_7865
cptesco: Listening to the program
cptesco: Ronny pinning on my medal
cptesco: Ronny and Randy
cptesco: Receiving an award
cptesco: Katie receiving her citation
cptesco: Nancy receiving her citation
cptesco: Nancy receiving her flowers from the Air Force
cptesco: Ronny McBay
cptesco: Col Osborne presenting my shadow box
cptesco: Col Osborne presenting a pen and ink drawing of Wilford Hall
cptesco: Showing Ronny the words to the Air Force Song so he could sing along
cptesco: DSC_7922
cptesco: Andrea, Nancy, Randy and Katie
cptesco: Andrea, Nancy, Randy, Katie and Ronny
cptesco: Andrea, Nancy, Randy, Katie, Julianne and Ronny McBay
cptesco: Rex, Randy and Jim
cptesco: Randy, Reverend Dawn Baird, Nancy
cptesco: Jim and Pattie Lowe, Randy, Nancy, Maryann and Rex Logan
cptesco: Nancy and Rex Logan
cptesco: Randy, Nancy, Tanna and Neil Finley
cptesco: Chuck Helton, Nancy, Randy, Mrs Helton