cptesco: One of the village officers and the bullet holes in the building wall
cptesco: Three beautiful Afghan children
cptesco: Front entrance to the clinic
cptesco: Village Elder
cptesco: "HEY MISTER..Take my piccha".....this was yelled out to me in broken English
cptesco: I just could not pass up a chance to set up this picture...the ANA Medics killing time while waiting on the Medivac Helicopter to arrive...unfortunately the helicopter landed at the KAF so we had to run over there right after this picture was taken
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #46 ( An Ambulance )
cptesco: Wrapped my lens in surgical gauze for this photograph
cptesco: Surgery viewed thru a cloth covered lens with pin hole
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #20 ( A beach ).......Beach Volleyball
cptesco: Beautiful little girl who speaks fairly good English. I enjoyed talking with her while her mom was at the Women's Clinic today
cptesco: Tigger in a pair of EX Large fruit of the looms
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #30 ( Someone Having A Bad Hair Day )
cptesco: The new apprentice in the ANA Hospital Kitchen
cptesco: Sand Storm Coming......Scavenger Hunt 101 #87 ( An interesting sky)
cptesco: Cathedral Towers Kaiserslautern
cptesco: Kaiserslautern Germany
cptesco: Window Flower Box Kaiserslautern Germany
cptesco: Cathedral Interior Kaiserslautern Germany
cptesco: Angel in Cathedral...Evening Light.....Scavenger Hunt 101 #82 ( Statue )
cptesco: Do you know the Sound of Freedom?.....It's DARN loud :) ---------- Scavenger Hunt 101 #21 ( A flying machine )
cptesco: Side view of Jingle truck
cptesco: Scavenger Hunt 101 #36 ( Someone praying or meditating )
cptesco: Part of the old ANA hospital kitchen that burned....Scavenger Hunt 101 #17 ( FIRE )
cptesco: Sunset by the ANA prison
cptesco: Child running across a field....by himself
cptesco: Afghan children
cptesco: They look at me and wonder what the heck I find so interesting
cptesco: Preparing lunch
cptesco: ANA base radio tower in the late evening.....Scavenger Hunt 101 #31 ( A Sunset )