cptesco: 003 Chow hall
cptesco: 001
cptesco: Belcher's smoking bench
cptesco: New bench and piecemill deck
cptesco: Group Photo
cptesco: Getting another estimate for the softball field
cptesco: Enjoying the breeze
cptesco: Lots of help putting the roof on
cptesco: More roofing
cptesco: Painful on the knees
cptesco: Burleigh & Belcher with Toby in the bunker
cptesco: Talking with Toby's singing partner outside the bunker
cptesco: Belcher next to the stage
cptesco: Belcher explaining our presentation to Toby
cptesco: Chatting outside the bunker
cptesco: Group shot before concert
cptesco: Belcher having a coffee at the Canadian coffee shop
cptesco: Belcher outside our hut
cptesco: Belcher mowing lawns for extra $$
cptesco: Belcher about to get bit in the arse by Radar
cptesco: Radar about to have a hand for lunch
cptesco: I only LOOK cute and cuddly
cptesco: Filling up Belchers window
cptesco: 1000 golf balls all over Belcher's room
cptesco: Belcher trying on a coffin for size
cptesco: Belcher playing table tennis. He received a box of really nice equipment from a Table Tennis Company