Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: For Dungu - Géné house
Wendkuni: Driving from Lake Albert
Wendkuni: Driving from Lake Albert
Wendkuni: Driving from Lake Albert
Wendkuni: Driving from Lake Albert
Wendkuni: Aaaand... Ango! 7 days later.
Wendkuni: Aaaand... Ango! 7 days later.
Wendkuni: Starting my quilt...
Wendkuni: Starting my quilt...
Wendkuni: Starting my quilt...
Wendkuni: small things help my brain process
Wendkuni: Emergen-C
Wendkuni: I feel like chicken tonight
Wendkuni: How I keep the mouse out...
Wendkuni: Beds for super remote clinics
Wendkuni: Beds for super remote clinics
Wendkuni: Home is here, for now.
Wendkuni: First PAM mexican night of 2012
Wendkuni: Brett, Cicco misses you!
Wendkuni: Brett, Cicco misses you!
Wendkuni: First PAM mexican night of 2012
Wendkuni: Water for chickens