Wendkuni: hanging out with my fam
Wendkuni: mom and don discover skype
Wendkuni: uploading and talking to john
Wendkuni: caileen showing me my ocean
Wendkuni: catching up with nikki and quin
Wendkuni: Caileen as a hot version of
Wendkuni: teaching bethan about
Wendkuni: screen sharing
Wendkuni: lunch with nick
Wendkuni: Quin and I freaking Nikki out
Wendkuni: multiple mama conversations
Wendkuni: multiple mama conversations
Wendkuni: catherine and her papers
Wendkuni: catching up with california
Wendkuni: catching up with california
Wendkuni: catching up with california
Wendkuni: Mrs. Lewis
Wendkuni: catching up with val
Wendkuni: caileen and i discover ichat
Wendkuni: we've got jokes
Wendkuni: all in such different places in life
Wendkuni: Thanksgiving at 6am HK time
Wendkuni: Thanksgiving at 6am HK time
Wendkuni: Thanksgiving at 6am HK time
Wendkuni: Thanksgiving at 6am HK time
Wendkuni: Thanksgiving at 6am HK time
Wendkuni: soup kitchen skypes
Wendkuni: trying to virtually scare the cat
Wendkuni: work, days at work
Wendkuni: seeeiboooooooo