courambel: (and now it's raining again, damned !)
courambel: sweeping the clouds away - II
courambel: sweeping the clouds away - I
courambel: la menace
courambel: la menace
courambel: Obsesionnal miscanthus
courambel: Miscanthus sinensis
courambel: IMG_7200
courambel: Miscanthus sinensis (again, and again)
courambel: IMG_6033
courambel: Miscanthus sinensis 芒草
courambel: IMG_6034
courambel: IMG_6927
courambel: IMG_7501 with some more contrast (???)
courambel: IMG_7507
courambel: IMG_7501
courambel: IMG_7500
courambel: IMG_7499
courambel: IMG_7871
courambel: IMG_6028
courambel: Entre deux nuages
courambel: IMG_0788
courambel: IMG_0789
courambel: IMG_0790
courambel: IMG_7527
courambel: IMG_7526
courambel: IMG_7525
courambel: IMG_7524
courambel: miscanthus, laurier, noyer
courambel: IMG_7522