c o f:
iluminando... lighting... @casamoebius @esecuchillito #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #rosario #casamoebius #argentina #stairs #escalera #nature #naturaleza #fire #fuego #fyah
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buscando lo alto reaching height 📷 @glitchrider #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #buenosaires #sanisidro #argentina #workinprogress
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hace unas semanas, esos tres... a few weeks ago, those three. #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #buenosaires #sanisidro #argentina #faces #rostros
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vínculo (detalle) / linkage (detail) 📷 @tranquilogerito #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #hidroesmalte #pintureriasuniverso #sinteplast #mtn94 #santafe #argentina #arteciudad #vinculo #link #l
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vínculo / linkage 📷 @tranquilogerito #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #hidroesmalte #pintureriasuniverso #sinteplast #mtn94 #santafe #argentina #arteciudad #vinculo #link #linkage #natural #natu
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demiurgo w/@pargasdelic #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #demiurgo #demiurge
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último día / last day con el aguante / support by @gvst33 + @tranquilogerito para el #arteciudad #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #hidroesmalte #pintureriasuniverso #sinteplast #mtn94 #santafe #argent
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brother from another mother BTC2X17 #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #btc #buenostruenos #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #character #chubbyguys #gorditos #sanisidro #buenosaires #argentina #dominguero #domingo #sunday #tomkins
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mi tarjeta de presentación en 2002!! my personal card in 2002!! gracias @ilemeli_photography #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #personalcard #tarjetadepresentacion #icq #icqnumber #hace15años
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still standing (2013) #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #old #oldie #viejo #santafe #letters #letras #chxs #spraypaint #spraycan #aerosol #spray #meteor #meteorito
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siempre que se pueda. en la hermana ciudad con el hermano @juanito.zoo #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #character #letters #letras #personaje #btc #weed #santotome #santoto #santafe #argentin
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de adentro para afuera (detalle plantístico) #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #trip #chiletour #chile #santiago #spraypaint #spraycan #aerosol #spray #sanmiguel #museoacieloabierto #museoacieloabiertosanmiguel #plants #pl
c o f:
ready for action w/ @punraya @a_n_e_r @apitatan @madeinjuanaperez @sofrenia @lunaleeilustra @gigigraffiti #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #trip #chiletour #chile #santiago #spraypaint #spraycan #aerosol #spray #santiagoi
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Mi muro en San Miguel por el canal Chilevisión My wallnin San Miguel on Chilevisión chanel #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #trip #chiletour #chile #santiago #museoacieloabierto #museoacieloabiertosanmiguel #tv #television
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De adentro para afuera Muro número 50 en el Museo a Cielo Abierto de San Miguel, Santiago de Chile From inside to outside Piece #50 in Museo a Cielo Abierto de San Miguel, Santiago de Chile #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurba
c o f:
ya, quiten esos andamios! remove those scaffolds already! #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #trip #chiletour #chile #santiago #spraypaint #spraycan #aerosol #spray #sanmiguel #museoacieloabierto #museoacieloabiertosanmigu
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nerd is good quickie with @tekone14 #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #urugraff #concepciondeluruguay #cdelu #cdu #entrerios #argentina #fast #quickie #nerd #teko
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a menina da floresta live painting at casa prisma #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #arteurbana #spraypaint #aerosol #santafe #argentina #casaprisma #enmarcado #framedart @mercedescerouno
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urugraff 2016 #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #urugraff #concepciondeluruguay #cdelu #cdu #entrerios #argentina
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when it comes, let the sadness go through you, but do not fall. #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #urugraff #concepciondeluruguay #cdelu #sadness #tristeza #vive @byga.b
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hard partying #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #casamoebius #primavera #21sep #spring #rosario #argentina
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work in progress click: iñaki galeas #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #graffitiworld #streetart #arteurbana #arteurbano #uniendopiezas3 #necochea #costa #argentina #spraypaint #aerosol #car #tunning
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no brakes!! #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #uniendopiezas3 #necochea #buenosaires #argentina #nobrakes #sinfrenos #semfreio #car #tunning
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Mis Hermanos Latinoamericanos LatidoAmericano Paraguay 2016 #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #arteurbana #art #arte #streets #latidopy #asuncion #paraguay #py
c o f:
tool change. almost there #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #andamio #lift #latidopy #latidoamericano #latido #asuncion #paraguay #py
c o f:
big feets... #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #bigscale #latidoamericano #latidopy #asuncion #paraguay #py
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Latido Americano Paraguay 2016 #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #latex #latidoamericano #latido #streetartevent #asuncion #paraguay #py
c o f:
Tengo un grupo de amigxs creadores con los que nos juntamos a dibujar porque sí, todos los miércoles hace más de 4 años. Nos presentamos en sociedad el sábado que viene 13 AGO con una muestra de trabajos hechos por todos juntos y también con trabajos ind
c o f:
my high school bathroom. circa 1996 today click by iña chemes #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #spraypaint #aerosol #tag #scratches #highschool #bathroom #watertank #firmaenelbaño #santafe #argentina
c o f:
we were together on this thing, the time is now. whatcha waiting for? #cof #cofvive #graff #graffiti #streetart #arteurbano #acrylic #acrilico #posca #wood #madera #littlepiece #pequeñoformato #racing #crazyrace #race #carrera #fiat600 #competición #fiti