{Joni Streit}: And the #januaryshadesofgray project is complete. Good timing since I'm getting antsy for a new color. :) A little cheerier choice.
{Joni Streit}: The end of #februaryredsbyjs :)
{Joni Streit}: March greens are done! #thegreensofmarchbyjs
{Joni Streit}: The best part of the month is the end when I can see the culmination of so many ideas come together. #projectlife365 #yellow #aprilyellowsbyjs
{Joni Streit}: Good bye, purple!!! You were good to me. #maypurplesbyjs #purple #colorwheelcalendarbyjs
{Joni Streit}: #juneaquasbyjs all done. Least favorite month so far I think.
{Joni Streit}: #julyredwhiteandbluesbyjs
{Joni Streit}: #augustrainbowsbyjs this might be my favorite end result yet. #colorwheelcalendarbyjs
{Joni Streit}: #colorwheelcalendarbyjs #septembercoltsbluebyjs honestly this was my least favorite month. I think because I have been so insanely busy with business, tennis, and my parents, it kind of turned into just one more thing I had to do which usually means a sho
{Joni Streit}: Done. 10 down 2 to go. #octoberpinkforbreastcancerawareness
{Joni Streit}: #novemberorangesbyjs #colorwheelcalendarbyjs
{Joni Streit}: #snowywhitesofdecemberbyjs #colorwheelcalendarbyjs done.
{Joni Streit}: A new year, a new project. I know you all will be able to relate with this one. When you are a parent, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a business owner, (and all the other roles), making time to CARE for yourself often drops low on the priority list. B
{Joni Streit}: noraquilt1
{Joni Streit}: springmill-127
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0491
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0490
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0489
{Joni Streit}: mamaw-227
{Joni Streit}: mamaw-225
{Joni Streit}: mac-108
{Joni Streit}: fisheye-107
{Joni Streit}: 3sf-299
{Joni Streit}: 3sf-285
{Joni Streit}: ruby-332
{Joni Streit}: 3sf-282
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0140
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0137
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0136
{Joni Streit}: IMG_0125