clermonthound: stupid shoe bomber
clermonthound: river of clouds
clermonthound: sister mary grab-ass
clermonthound: no really, her hand was on my leg the whole flight
clermonthound: IMG_0951
clermonthound: this floor smelled like bbq
clermonthound: this closet was trying to quit smoking
clermonthound: 1st meal in chicago
clermonthound: holly says 'yum'
clermonthound: IMG_0966
clermonthound: the intersection where all the cops cars flip in Blues Brothers
clermonthound: city hall
clermonthound: on the way to the southside...
clermonthound: old timey map
clermonthound: pouring down rain
clermonthound: Home o' the SOX
clermonthound: i wet my pants
clermonthound: this is my 'holy fuck i'm out of the rain' face