clarity25: Day 86 - Caught in the act
clarity25: Day 167 - Wednesday morning
clarity25: Day 104 - Off center
clarity25: Day 161 - Back to the drawing board.
clarity25: Day 123 - Computer problems
clarity25: Day 136 - Snapshot
clarity25: Day 127 - Death by Candy
clarity25: Day 94 - COLD
clarity25: Day 88 - One of those days...
clarity25: mysocks1
clarity25: Day 82 - A Resolution
clarity25: Day 16 - In the Dressing room
clarity25: Laughter
clarity25: Day 74 - random
clarity25: Day 95 - I love Sundays
clarity25: Day 35 - Reading together
clarity25: Day 19 - Sisters
clarity25: Day 11 - Rainy day
clarity25: Day 50 - We're Moving!
clarity25: Day 148 - Hiding
clarity25: Day 153 - Time to unwind
clarity25: Day 61 - Lazy Sunday
clarity25: Day 144 - adjusting to my new shoes
clarity25: Day 79 - Building an Entertainment system
clarity25: Day 47 - Walking on Eggshells
clarity25: Day 37 - still searching...
clarity25: Day 29 - Looking for a new apartment
clarity25: Day 5 - No pain, No gain...
clarity25: Day 211 - On the road again
clarity25: First hour on the road