Claire Watson Photos: Chinese Lanterns
Claire Watson Photos: Edinburgh in the spotlight
Claire Watson Photos: Night Lights...
Claire Watson Photos: Edinburgh Hogmany 2010
Claire Watson Photos: Low afternoon light in the Firth of Forth on New Year's Day
Claire Watson Photos: Scottish Stand-off
Claire Watson Photos: The first of the Looney Dookers...
Claire Watson Photos: Safety First
Claire Watson Photos: The crowds start to form
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 1
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 2
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 3
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 4
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 5
Claire Watson Photos: Faces all a-glow 1
Claire Watson Photos: Faces all a-glow 2
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 6
Claire Watson Photos: Biggar Bonfire 7
Claire Watson Photos: Torch Parade 1
Claire Watson Photos: Torch Parade 2
Claire Watson Photos: Torch Parade 3