Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar & Christmas tree front yard
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar & Christmas tree front yard2
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar - front of house
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar surrounded by snow
Claire Roche Mosaics: house from street
Claire Roche Mosaics: K & Sugar front yard
Claire Roche Mosaics: K & Sugar front yard2
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar front of house2
Claire Roche Mosaics: K & Sugar front yard3
Claire Roche Mosaics: K & Sugar front yard4
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar burrowing in snow
Claire Roche Mosaics: K & Sugar front yard5
Claire Roche Mosaics: Sugar tackling K
Claire Roche Mosaics: Close up of Sugar surrounded by snow