Cisco Pics: Cisco CEO John T. Chambers (C) explains remote technology while Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dr. Rafael Amaro (R) look on during the press conference.
Cisco Pics: Cisco CEO John T. Chambers takes a Flip Video of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during the press conference.
Cisco Pics: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Looks on while Dr. Rafael Amaro Demonstrates Remote Healthcare Technology
Cisco Pics: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks while Cisco CEO John T. Chambers and Dr. Molina look on
Cisco Pics: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks during the press conference.
Cisco Pics: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks during the press conference.
Cisco Pics: Cisco CEO John T. Chambers speaks while Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger looks on during the press conference
Cisco Pics: John T. Chambers, CEO of Cisco and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Speak During the Press Conference
Cisco Pics: John T. Chambers, CEO of Cisco and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Speak During the Press Conference