Lorcan Keating: Janey Mack I haz dis ferocious headache in my stumjack.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel would have loved to survey the enemy from his tree that day but he had forgotten his binoculars.
Lorcan Keating: and God bless all the squirrelographers and the foodographers too. Amen.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel leaned forward over his desk and put his snout to his clenched paws as if in in deep thought. "There appears to be a slight problem with your papers, Herr Foodographer", he said.
Lorcan Keating: Hmmm. Let me see how can you prove you are not some kind of spy, Herr Foodographer?, Rommel asked the foodless one.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel celebrates Saint Patrick's day
Lorcan Keating: O excuse me, Herr Foodographer. I did not see you there but now that I do, may I see your peanut passport also?
Lorcan Keating: I know I left my binoculars here.
Lorcan Keating: We hav our ways, Herr Foodographer. Kamera's kan go kaput you know.
Lorcan Keating: There were times when Rommel would have liked to have taken a picture of the foodographer himself.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel counted all the nails on his paws, multiplied that by 3 and still came up with 2. "You may go, Herr Foodographer. But never think you can fool me"
Lorcan Keating: Grrrrrrrr
Lorcan Keating: Rommel's lunch plans
Lorcan Keating: Rommel always sniffed his food before tasting it. He would have employed one his hench-squirrels but they were not very good at tasting, just eating.
Lorcan Keating: Would you care to join me for lunch, Herr Foodographer?
Lorcan Keating: A foodless foodographer? You cannot be serious, mein freunde!
Lorcan Keating: Oh no! I cannot believe there is foodography going on in this peanut casino.
Lorcan Keating: Oooolala!
Lorcan Keating: Come again, Herr Foodographer? You expect an General of the elite SS (Squirrel Squad) to believe your tall tales?
Lorcan Keating: Hmmm... let me see... I could perhaps not scratch your lens for say, a sizebale % from your tax deductible Charitable Squirrel Foundation Fund.
Lorcan Keating: Ever since Squirrel War II, Generalissimo Rommel was addicted to smoking the peace pipe . He was often to be seen wandering around the park on his hind legs, with his paw raised, saying "Peace out, squirrel".
Lorcan Keating: Rommel was very impressed with the foodographer's timing. He seemed to take each shot just at the exact time the lightning would strike.
Lorcan Keating: Come any closer and I show you just how sweet I really am.
Lorcan Keating: I dub thee, Sir Rommel, Squirrel of The Realm
Lorcan Keating: Following the funeral of his latest taster, an increasingly paranoid Rommel eats uneasily.
Lorcan Keating: You may leave, Herr Foodographer. Your papers are in order.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel debates with himself.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel was caught completely unawares by the foodographer. He would have somebody's tail for this breakdown in security.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel closed his eyes in disgust at the uselessness of his security staff.
Lorcan Keating: Rommel put his two paws together and held them to his mouth. He liked to hear the sound of his nails clicking together.