Jesús Puigmartí: Pssshhhh...!!. HMM.
Jesús Puigmartí: INCENSE STICK. HMM!!
Jesús Puigmartí: Face to face...
Jesús Puigmartí: Norwegian doll. HMM!
Jesús Puigmartí: A small world...
Jesús Puigmartí: Button in buttonhole.
Jesús Puigmartí: Wood and Marbles.
Jesús Puigmartí: Dew on a leaf.
Jesús Puigmartí: Vulcan Stone.
Jesús Puigmartí: Perfect imperfection.
Jesús Puigmartí: Car key fastener. HMM!!
Jesús Puigmartí: Effervescence...HMM.
Jesús Puigmartí: Flames and sparks.
Jesús Puigmartí: Cooking Speckled Quail Eggs.
Jesús Puigmartí: The Fifth Day (Frank Schatzing)
Jesús Puigmartí: Child mask. (Explore 29/10/2017)
Jesús Puigmartí: Spiral. HMM!
Jesús Puigmartí: Bucolic Souvenir.
Jesús Puigmartí: Jumping Spider. 15/10/17.
Jesús Puigmartí: Haliotis Coccoradiata. HMM
Jesús Puigmartí: Fire & sparks
Jesús Puigmartí: Hipnotic eyes...
Jesús Puigmartí: Rusty and balanced weight machine.
Jesús Puigmartí: Old weight machine.
Jesús Puigmartí: Healthy connection.
Jesús Puigmartí: Abstract...
Jesús Puigmartí: Rustic bread & olive oil.
Jesús Puigmartí: Bee fly sunbathing on a sheet.
Jesús Puigmartí: Eye Sun protection. STAYING HEALTHY