Christina Laing: Steel Workers.
Christina Laing: The End of Industry (Explore #324).
Christina Laing: Support.
Christina Laing: Steel built this city.
Christina Laing: Unexplored.
Christina Laing: Steel America.
Christina Laing: Ohio Pano.
Christina Laing: North Office.
Christina Laing: "The only job I ever wanted, the only place I ever wanted to be."
Christina Laing: Bethlehem Steel North Office, demolition ready.
Christina Laing: Will the last one to leave, please turn the lights out.
Christina Laing: The crew.
Christina Laing: The Crusher.
Christina Laing: Discarded.
Christina Laing: Self portrait at the end of the hallway.
Christina Laing: Crusher...self explanatory.
Christina Laing: Industrial Portrait.
Christina Laing: After dark....
Christina Laing: Bethlehem.
Christina Laing: Legacy is the new currency.
Christina Laing: (Not) Buffalo Malting.
Christina Laing: RIP (soon to be).
Christina Laing: Steel Buffalo
Christina Laing: Packard.
Christina Laing: Breathing Apparatus
Christina Laing: Hello again.
Christina Laing: Partner in crime.
Christina Laing: No title.