ChrisGJeans: Cedar Waxwing Sport Mode.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Cedar Waxwing Party Time.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Cedar Waxwing Perched in a Cedar.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Cedar Waxwing Eating.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Yellow Rumped Warbler Eating.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Hagerman NWR Snow Geese Flock in Flight.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Blue Heron in Flight-2.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Blue Heron in Flight.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Ringed-neck Duck (Male).jpg
ChrisGJeans: Great Egret Patiently Waiting.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Ring-necked Duck Evening Swim.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Northern Pintail.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Blue Heron in the Refuge.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Duck in Flight.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Egret in Flight.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Ferruginous Hawk-2.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Ferruginous Hawk.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Stilted Piper Straight On.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Stilted Piper Feeding.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Little Bird with Big Attitude.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Stilted Piper in the Marsh.jpg
ChrisGJeans: House Sparrow_Backyard Bird.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Sunset Blue Heron_Hagerman NWR.jpg
ChrisGJeans: untitledMay 22, 2021-_84A6998.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Shake it off-Edit.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Whitewing Dove Fence Walking.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Backyard Bird
ChrisGJeans: Great Blue Heron in Flight.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Pintail Drake_48.jpg
ChrisGJeans: Female Black-chinned Hummingbird