brookfieldcm: Young monks, Srirangam
brookfieldcm: Gopurams of the Ranganathaswamy temple
brookfieldcm: Gopurams of the Ranganathaswamy temple
brookfieldcm: Michele gets some bangles from a GV borrower in the Ranganathasmawy temple
brookfieldcm: Two pens for my picture, please
brookfieldcm: Taking this picture cost us two pens
brookfieldcm: A temple priest at rest
brookfieldcm: Flowering trees at Sri Rangam
brookfieldcm: Chris and Juliana
brookfieldcm: Entering Trichy, crowned by the Rock Fort
brookfieldcm: Sunset over the Cauvery River
brookfieldcm: View from the top of the Rock Fort temple, Trichy
brookfieldcm: St. Josephs cathedral, Trichy
brookfieldcm: Temple street, Trichy
brookfieldcm: Michele gets shopping help from Juliana
brookfieldcm: Chris and the management team for GVFML
brookfieldcm: Sundil, the GV chief of operations, holds court at the center meeting
brookfieldcm: The GVFML pledge
brookfieldcm: Counting the group's weekly loan repayments
brookfieldcm: Borrower and daughter
brookfieldcm: Serious discussion at the center meeting
brookfieldcm: A happy GVFML borrower and her grandchild
brookfieldcm: A happy GVFML borrower
brookfieldcm: New little friend at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: Little boy and his little sister at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: Little boy and his little sister at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: Little boy and his little sister at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: New little friend at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: New little friend at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy
brookfieldcm: New little friend at the center meeting, GV, peri-urban Trichy