The Family Dog: reddingboot maria hofker , ameland
The Family Dog: reddingboot maria hofker en truck
The Family Dog: knrm ameland training with coastguard helicopter
The Family Dog: until next time
The Family Dog: thumbs up !
The Family Dog: hoisting excercise knrm and coastguard helicopter
The Family Dog: training with sar helicopter
The Family Dog: boat crashes through the gates
The Family Dog: search and rescue combination
The Family Dog: atlantic 75 lifeboat on trailer
The Family Dog: launching the lifeboat
The Family Dog: reddingboot maria hofker
The Family Dog: testing the sand
The Family Dog: on the rocks
The Family Dog: uprighting the boat
The Family Dog: saving a wrecked boat
The Family Dog: ginaf truck
The Family Dog: launch of the atlantic 75 lifeboat
The Family Dog: preparing our hoist
The Family Dog: on the heli-deck
The Family Dog: airborne at oil rig near ameland
The Family Dog: atlantic 75 lifeboat " maria hofker "
The Family Dog: atlantic 75 reddingboot " maria hofker " knrm station ameland